LSC Office Management

LSC Office Management Support Group

Limbuwan Study Center has developed and adopted a strategy of forming LSC Office Management Support Group in the country and abroad from its well wishers and members with the aims at mobilizing internal resources for raising funds. The contributors name and their contribution are made public and visible with taking appropriate measures and means. The fund collected from the group’s contribution is used only for managing LSC’s office requirements that includes stationery (photo copy paper, ink, envelop etc.), communication (phone), remuneration for office holders (office secretary, accountant) and internet facility.

LSC Office Management Support Group USA 2017


  1. Professor Dr. Mahendra Lawati   $ 120.00
  2. Ms. Shashi Nembang                      $ 120.00
  3. Ms. Sumnima Fudong Limbu       $ 80.00
  4. Ms. Mira Joshi                              $ 50.00
  5. Dr. Marohang Khawahang Limbu $ 120.00

(Note: Individuals from New York, USA have made commitment to contribute under the banner of LSC Office Management Support Group USA.)