Bisnudatta Saraswati Academic Fund

 Bisnudatta- Saraswati Aangbuhang Academic Fund

 The Limbuwan Study Center (LSC) has received endowment of NCR 3,000,000 (Approximately USD30,000) from Mr. Bishnu Dutta Angbuhang and his wife Ms. Saraswati Angbuhang Karki under their joint names as  Bishnu Dutta- Saraswoti Angbuhang Academic trust fund. The endowment is expected to yield income of more or less NCR 160,000 per year. There is a provision that 10% of income from interest of that trust-fund requires to be added over the principal amount to make the endowment-fund ever increasing. Likewise, it has 10% spending limit for operation cost. Then, this would provide roughly NCR100,000 of available annual income for LSC to invest for accomplishing the mutual and determined objectives by both donor and LSC through this scheme. The endowment donors strictly have set  condition to spend this money for two purposes – a) an academic award with Rs.100,000 in every two years to honor any writer for the best book publication and remaining portion of the income is supposed to expend for b) research grant on a merit-based or need-based scholarship. The designations of those awards are – (i) Bishnu Dutta- Saraswoti Angbuhang Academic award and (ii) Bishnu Dutta-Saraswoti Angbuhang research fellowship. For both awards, LSC requires to form a selection committee based on its sub-regulation related to Bishnu Dutta- Saraswoti Angbuwang Academic Trust Fund-2016. The selection committee disseminates advertisement through media for above mentioned award and fellowship applications in due course of time. With the increase of income from this trust fund, LSC will revise the amount of awards accordingly.

विष्णुदत्त–सरस्वती आङ्बुहाङ अनुसन्धानवृत्ति – २०८१ अनुसन्धान प्रस्तावना अह्वान सम्वन्धि सूचना

(प्रकाशित मिति २०८१/०५/२६)

लिम्बुवान अध्ययन केन्द्रद्वारा सञ्चालित विष्णुदत्त–सरस्वती आङ्बुहाङ प्राज्ञिक कोषबाट याक्थुङ/लिम्बू र लिम्बुवान क्षेत्रको भाषा, धर्म, संस्कृति, मुन्धुम, इतिहास, आदिवासी ज्ञान, सीप, राजनीतिक, आर्थिक र शैक्षिक विषयहरूमा विष्णुदत्त–सरस्वती आङ्बुहाङ अनुसन्धानवृति–२०८१ प्रदान गरिने भएकोले योग्यता पुगेको इच्छुक अनुसन्धानकर्ताहरू/संस्थाले लिम्बुवान अध्ययन केन्द्रको website: मा दिइएको अनुसन्धान प्रस्तावना निर्देशिका अनुसार वा कार्यालयमा सम्पर्क गरी आवश्यक कागजपत्रसहित वा इमेल मार्फत एक प्रति MS Word/Pdf file मा मिति २०८१ आश्विन ३० गतेसम्म अनुसन्धान प्रस्तावना पेश गर्न हुन यो सूचना प्रकाशित गरिएको छ ।

विस्तृत जानकारीका लागि अनुसन्धान प्रस्तावना निर्देशिका  हेर्नु होस :


लिम्बुवान अध्ययन केन्द्र

ललितपुर चुम्लुङ्हिम, ललितपुर–१४
